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Westbank First Nation Council is requesting letters of interest for the Sensisyusten School Board in order to fill the Member- at-Large seat which will become vacant on December 13, 2021. Applicants must possess good character, credibility and reputation and be subject to a criminal record with vulnerable sector search. They must also be at least 18 years of age and not be employed by Sensisyusten School.
The purpose of the School Board is to assist in developing a rich learning environment at Sensisyusten House of Learning where students may grow academically, personally, socially and culturally and with a strong identity, pride in their heritage and feeling of self-worth. The duties and responsibilities of the School Board include:
Successful candidates will fulfill the requirements as outlined in the Terms of Reference for the Sensisyusten School Board, and will be appointed by Council for a 3 year term. School Board Members are paid an honorarium for meetings attended, which typically take place once per month during the school year. School Board Members are also encouraged to attend semi-annual meetings with Council as well as various other events that may happen throughout the year to carry out School Board responsibilities.
If interested in being appointed to School Board Parent Seat, please submit the form below by December 3, 2021 to Brayden Holenstein, WFN Recording Clerk.